Friday, April 20, 2018

S Ve Shekher apologises for Facebook post on women journalists

Bharatiya Janata Party leader and film-drama actor S V Shekher today tendered apology to women journalists for a deragatory Facebook post on them.

In a statement, he said, "Yesterday, my face book, a message, without reading the content, by mistake forwarded by me FROM THIRUMALAI Sa Was unintentional."

He said that he removed the post after his friend pointed out that it was abusive.

He added: “When it was pointed out by a friend of mine the content was abusive one, & it was removed immediately. I do not endorse the views expressed in it. I come from a family that respects women & the women journalist.”

He added that he did not endorse the views expressed in the Facebook post. “It was not on purpose & my heartfelt apology,” he said.

Shekher added: "I am surprised how people, who are now spreading the screen shot/photoshop of the deleted post do not find it offensive."

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