Sunday, April 29, 2018

CJ denies charges, says verdict in 11 MLAs case given as per conscience

Madras High Court Chief Justice Indira Banerjee today said, "We have passed the judgement based on our conscience and we are answerable only to God. But, everyone has the right to comment on verdicts passed by the court."

She this while responding to calls to take up a contempt of court case against disqualified MLA and TTV Dhinakaran supporter Thanga Tamilselvan who had criticised the High Court judgement yesterday turning down a batch of petitions, filed by the DMK and other parties seeking to disqualify 11 MLAs including Deputy Chief Minister, O Panneerselvam.

Meanwhile today, G Devarajan, an advocate clerk, was removed from the court hall after he created a ruckus by impressing upon Chief Justice Indira Banerjee to deliver the verdict on petitions filed against the disqualification of 18 AIADMK MLAs owing allegiance to sidelined leader TTV Dhinakaran.

Banerjee questioned his locus standi pointing out that his impleading petition in that matter had been disallowed by the court.

Later, she said the verdict in the case would be delivered soon.

She said the verdict on a plea seeking disqualification of 11 MLAs, including Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, was given as per conscience.

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