Sunday, April 8, 2018

Grand arrangements for Chennai defence expo, PM to attend

Chennai is all set to host the country's flagship defence exhibition, DefExpo 2018, from April 11 to 14 in a bid attract more Indian players into the defence manufacturing as well as to create ground for future exports.

The four-day DefExpo 2018 that opens outside Chennai on April 11 has been innovatively and generously showcased as "India: The Emerging Defence Manufacturing Hub" and a large number of platforms and military inventory items manufactured in India will be on display.

At DefExpo-2018, the Centre will for the first time launch a scheme to encourage startups to generate innovative ideas that can help solve the problems that the forces face in daily operations.

The government is looking to startups for solutions to tricky situations and snags like these: What does a helicopter pilot do in an emergency, given the fact that he cannot eject to safety, unlike pilots of fighter aircraft? How do troops stealthily entering a terrorist-occupied zone locate each other; and would a mobile app help in such circumstances? What happens when an aircraftenters hilly terrain and the pilotloseshissatellite signals and cannot navigate? In a battle againstdrones, how do artillery officers tell an enemy aircraft from a friendly one before shooting it down?

Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Sunday reviewed the preparations for the upcoming DefExpo 2018 to be held at Thiruvidanthai, on the East Coast Road, from April 11–14.

Speaking to reporters, she said, "This defence expo, will showcase, a number of products that are being made by India and can be exported. This is an additional feature of this expo."

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