Thursday, April 26, 2018

Rajini's super stills from US rock social media

Superstar Rajinikanth has once again proved why he is being hailed as 'style king', with the pictures clicked in the United States, where is currently staying.

The photos have him standing on an escalator and taking a Metro ride. They show him super cool and super stylish manner and have become an instant hit among his fans and in the social media.

It is said he will return by the first week of May. Sources close to the actor say that he is there for regular check up. In the US, he will also attend an event at Sri Sachithanantha Saraswathi Ashram, it is claimed.

Weeks after appointing more than 7,000 office-bearers to the Rajini Makkal Mandram, actor Rajinikanth is said to have called for a review of the work done thus far by the office-bearers.

According to an office-bearer, the exercise was meant to instil a sense of competitiveness among various district office-bearers and encourage them to do more.

Recently, expanding his outreach beyond India, superstar Rajinikanth, who commands fan following across the world, today appointed office-bearers in the United States and Canada for his Makkal Mandram, a pre-cursor to the political party to be floated by him.

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