Thursday, February 1, 2018

Kamal to speak TN's issues at Harvard

Kamal Haasan has been invited by Harvard University to give a keynote on February 10th, 2018. This is the second time the legendary actor will be seen speaking at the prestigious B-School.

He will talk about the issues plaguing Tamil Nadu, which he feels has "sunk to the lowest depth". He will speak about Tamil Nadu and the issues plaguing the state at the annual Indian Conference of the University, read a statement.

"The topic is Tamil Nadu. I chose to speak on it out of sheer necessity. Our state has sunk to the lowest depth. It is affecting my dignity as a man, even more as a Tamilian," Haasan said.

“The topic is Tamil Nadu. I chose to speak on it out of sheer necessity. Our state has sunk to the lowest depth. It affecting my dignity as a man, even more as a Tamilian," he said.

“I yearn to see my state rise to the height it deserves. The rise of my state will translate into the rise of my nation. Harvard is a seat of learning like our Nalanda University," he said.

"If only we had continued that tradition without any break, we would have been holding such seminars at least 200 years back."

He added: "These platforms are important and can’t be neglected. This is going to be an engagement with more fortunate minds who availed an opportunity to seek knowledge."

A place that dispenses knowledge for money or free, is still a seat of wisdom. Having their ears, even though only momentarily, is a great opportunity, he said further.

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