Thursday, February 22, 2018

Who leaked Simbu's phone conversation?

A telephonic conversation between STR and Adhik Ravichandran, the director of AAA, is out on the internet.
In the recorded conversation, STR asked several questions to Adhik on why the director supported the movie's producer Michael Rayappan.

Rayappan had blamed Simbu for the film's failure a couple of months ago. The prodcuer allegedly that Simbu missed shoots, threw tantrums, demanded star accommodation and inconvenienced other actors.

In the conversation, Simbu can be heard asking questions as to why Adhik stood by the producer even though Adhik and Simbu share a good camaraderie over the last two years.

Adhik was polite and he even said that the situation forced him to be with the producer, his tone sounded apologetic.

Adhik reveals producers and distributors had told him Simbu was planning to kill him and was confused on what to do. Simbu sounds emotional and says that he is upset with the fact that Adhik has let him down.

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