Monday, January 29, 2018

Amala Paul arrested in tax evasion case

In view of serious discrepancies in her earlier statements regarding vehicle tax evasion, Amala Paul was once again interrogated by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Crime Branch.

She was arrested on Sunday in a tax evasion case for allegedly buying a luxury car in Pondicherry by producing forged documents.

However, the actress was immediately released on conditional bail but she must co-operate for the investigation when summoned.

She was summoned by the EOW for clarity in a statement that the actor had given earlier regarding the case.

According to the officials, Amala is sticking to her earlier statement in a petition that she filed, that the Mercedes Benz of registration number PY-05-D-0500, was registered at Puducherry and she had rented a home there

According to reports, an investigation by crime branch revealed that the documents furnished by Amala were forged. Following which, she was summoned by the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW) of the crime branch on Saturday, in Kochi, to clarify her stance on the statement she had recorded earlier.

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