Monday, September 18, 2017

Jeppiar College of Engg. and Ishte presented Hema Malini’s ‘SYNERGY 2017’

Jeppiar College of Engg. and Ishte presented Hema Malini’s ‘SYNERGY 2017’ an international cultural festival showcasing a unique confluence of Georgian Dance Ballet ‘Sukhishvili’ and various Indian dance forms.

In association with Ishte (Event Partner for Chennai) and Jeppiaar Engineering College (Title Sponsor), Hema Malini’s ‘SYNERGY’ 2017 was a cultural Odyssey featuring two ancient cultures, India & Georgia, giving a platform to showcase their talent. The festival highlighted the repertoire, cultural richness & fearlessness of Georgian dancers at a different magnitude, and level with the grace and timelessness of Bharatnatyam, Kathak and Pung Cholom.

The event was a successful one and everyone enjoyed the stellar performances of Georgian, Bharatanatyam, Kathak and Pung Cholom artistes. The co-ordination and perfection in the choreography left everyone in awe. Baba Ramdev was the special guest and he even took to stage to showcase the famous Kapalbhati Pranayam. It was celebrities galore as many big names like Vyjyantimala, Latha Rajinikanth, Khushboo, Nasser and Suhasini Maniratnam attended the event.

Actress Hema Malini believes that dance and music really enhances the inner self and outer self in a positive way. India has such beautiful traditions, she would like the youth to participate in nation building and extend support to PM Narendra Modi’s vision of making India a cultural super power through yoga & performing arts.

Supported by Ministry of Culture, Government of India, this year the ‘SYNERGY’ festival of Indo-Georgian Dance Fusion travelled to 4 major cities of Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai and was graced by dignitaries, celebrities and various art connoisseurs from across the country.

Hema Malini happily enlightens “Our dances are of two types, classical and folk based on Natyasastra (Science of dance) and Abhinaya Darpana (a mirror of gestures) which are derived from the rich treasure trove of mythology, classical literature and legends. This year we are proud to associate with another rich ancient culture of GEORGIA, to create a fusion, a SYNERGY. We intend to grow every year and have such wonderful collaborations with different countries. India is so culturally rich, a golden bowl of culture and heritage and I want to safe guard our culture, and spread it across the world”

Nino Sukhishvilli, one of the founders of the Georgian National Ballet ‘Sukhishvili’ says, “It was our pleasure to perform again in India. It was 55 years ago in 1962 we came to India to perform and then the Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru saw us performing on stage! Later he came to meet and greet us and congratulate us for the performance. My big respect to Hema Malini who visited Georgia, after watching our rehearsal she decided to invite us to India again. I think culture exchange is very important to our country and we will be very happy to present our culture to Indian audience,”

Reema Thakkar Tiwari, founder, Ishte says, “We are delighted to host SYNERGY in our namma Chennai where art and culture is the life of us. We also thank Hema Malini for planning this event for amazing dancers from our country as well as Georgia and giving them this platform to showcase their talent”

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