Wednesday, September 20, 2017

11 'terrorists' arrested in 'Sagar Kavach'

A mock drill was conducted on Wednesday to assess the preparedness of the police and other law enforcement agencies in case of a terrorist attack.

A total of 11 'terrorists' were 'arrested' as part of the 24-hour long Operation 'Sagar Kavach', a mock drill organised by the Marine police wing of the Coastal Security Group to test the defence preparedness of various security agencies to prevent Mumbai type terror attacks when terrorists infiltrated through the sea.

During the mock Operation "Sagar Kavach," which was jointly conducted by the Coastal Security Group (CSG) and police, searches were conducted in vehicles at vital junctions of the city, a police release said.

Special teams that were deployed, "arrested" 11 CSG personnel, who attempted to gain entry into the city from various locations including sea, by posing as terrorists, it said.

While three persons were 'arrested' by the Marinapolice, another three were held by a team of Shastri Nagar police and two were apprehended at Kanathuron the ECR.

Sources said two more 'terrorists' were arrested bythe Neelangarai police at the Akkarai check post during vehicle checks when they attempted to enter the city by road from Mahabalipuram.

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