Monday, September 25, 2017

Attempt to attack Vaiko in Geneva, Stalin condemns

DMK working president and leader of opposition in Tamil Nadu Assembly M.K. Stalin has condemned attempts by “some Sri Lankan nationals” to attack MDMK chief Vaiko after he spoke about the “genocide” in northern Lanka at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC).

In a statement, he said “I condemn the incident in Geneva. I take objection to the way a person from India was treated by Sri Lankan nationals and this has led to it becoming a cause for concern. I request the Indian Government to condemn the incident."

Vaiko reached Geneva recently to take part in the 36th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), where the Sri Lankan Tamils issue was set to be taken up for debate, a party release stated.

The last time Vaiko was in Geneva was in 2001 and his applications seeking visa during the past 16 years were turned down due to pressure exerted by the Sri Lankan government, the MDMK release said.

The MDMK leader was granted visa this year after the European Council of Justice removed Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) from the list of terror outfits.

He will return on October 1 after attending the human rights council's 36th hearing on September 29. Vaiko addressed the UNHRC meeting last week and accused the Sri Lankan Government of presiding over "genocide".

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