Thursday, December 14, 2017

15 years of Trishaism

Trisha, who is ruling the roost in south Indian cinema for a long time, has successfully completed 15 years in the industry.

Taking to Twitter, she posted: "“If there's 1 thing I did right,chose to stand for against all odds,go with purely my gut,give it my 100% while it gave me back double,THIS is it."

She added: "N I wouldn't trade a day for anything else.Thank you all for being part of my most beautiful journey #15yearsoffilms #theshowwillgoon".

Her fans have been celebrating the occasion with the hastag '15 years of Trishaism' and the social media is full of wishes for her.

Recently, Trisha became the first actress from south India to be honored with the UNICEF celebrity advocate status on Monday in Chennai.

Speaking at an event in Chennai, Job Zechariah, Chief of UNICEF Tamil Nadu & Kerala said, "Trisha is an icon for the adolescents and the young people."

"She has the power to amplify the children's issues and address the violation of child rights in the family, community and in public spaces," he said.

She will also promote education and health of adolescents and the value of girl child in family and society.Trisha is the first film actress from South India to receive the recognition by UNICEF, he added.

In her address, Trisha said, "I feel honoured with this recognition. I commit myself to cry more awareness on health, education, nutrition and protection of children, especially the adolescent and young people in Tamil Nadu and Kerala."

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