Wednesday, December 27, 2017

“Irumbu Thirai will be a real big different experience to audiences” – Vishal

The screening of Irumbu Thirai to media, press and special invitees happened last evening at Green Park Hotel in Chennai. The entire event was emblazoned with a much sparkling ambience that commuted the spectators to a state of enthrallment. The event commenced on an unexpected surprisal note, where every person over there at venue received a computerized call from Vishal on the film’s concept.

The event was graced by team members of ‘Irumbu Thirai’ including Samantha, who happens to make her first visit to Chennai after her wedding bells. Speaking on the occasion, Vishal said, “Irumbu Thirai will be definitely a real big experience to audiences in theatres. I am so much awestruck to have my mentor Action King Arjun and me sharing the screen space together. I am sure the last 30 minutes of the movie will keep everyone edge-seated, which involves the combact between me and Arjun sir. While working with Samantha, I felt really youthful and so much exhilarated.”

Samantha said, “While working with big actors like Vijay and Suriya sir, I would be more formal. But working with Vishal was more like fun. I would feel that he is so much younger to me for he is so energetic all the time.”

Vishal sparked up humorous quotient referring Robo Shankar saying that whenever he would be tensed and broken down, Robo would tickle his funny bones by mimicking many leading actors and personalities including Kala master.

Robo Shankar, RV Udhay Kumar, Delhi Ganesh, Mansoor Ali Khan, Dream Warrior Pictures SR Prabhu and many other prominent celebrities were present for the occasion.

Vishal’s father GK Reddy and younger sister Aishwarya honoured the special guests gifting them bouquets.

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