Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Cancer is one of the world’s most pressing health care challenges. On the
whole, research progress from one year to the next is incremental, and true
breakthroughs are exceptional.
Nevertheless, every year brings new knowledge and insights that help direct
further research and ultimately improve the outlook for patients with
cancer. Clinical Cancer Advances 2017 highlights the most important clinical
advances of the past year and previews where cancer science is headed.
Advances highlighted in this report cover the full range of clinical research
disciplines: prevention, treatment, patient care, and tumor biology.

“What is new in oncology 2017?
Landmark studies, new drug approvals, practice changing information will be
150 oncologist from India and abroad will be coming for this meeting at Hotel
Turyaa ,OMR, Chennai, between 12 noon to 9 pm.
Key meeting agenda
1. Newer approach to cancer with immunotherapy has revolutionized the
world and can be used in all cancers like Pembroluzumab , Nivolumab ,
Aleclituzumab etc
2. Breast cancer has seen several newer drugs and targeted therapy
Pertuzumab , TDM 1 , which has improved survival .
3. Survival in Lung cancer has increased with newer molecular classification
and more specific targeted drugs.
4. Colon cancer even in last stage patient has a survival of 36 months atleast
with several lines of newer drugs.
5. Robotic surgery has evolved with sophisticated instruments will be shown as

  1. New proton beam which is coming to Chennai will have a demonstration
    tonight the latest technology in Radiation oncology.

  2. blood cancers has changed in scenario with many monoclonal antibodies to
    treat leukaemia and myelomas in adult and paediatrics.

  3. Psychosocial aspects of cancer patients with supportive care will be
    addressed by specialist

  4. Incorporation of yoga and Allied health medicine is now an emerging
    integral part of Oncology.

  5. India is the hub of clinical trials. What changes has taken place and where
    are we heading for clinical trials in India.

  6. India is one of the highest manufactures of Biosimilars and
    chemotherapeutic drugs. We are having medical affairs from pharmaceutical
    companies to discuss.

  7. Pharmaco-economics and GST we have special delegation from New Delhi
    to talk on this.

  8. Advancement in Oncopathology and onco radiology is a part of the session

  9. The childhood cancer most curable have we achieved the target.
    Prof Dr Anita Ramesh (Chandra)
    DCH (UK ), MD , Dip NB , DM (Medical Oncology ), MSc Oncology (UK ), MBA , PhD
    Professor and Head Medical Oncology
    Saveetha Medical College Hospital. Saveetha University . Chennai
    Senior Consultant Medical and Paediatric oncology Apollo speciality hospital , Sanker Netarlaya , HCG Cancer Centre. Chennai
    Founder, CEO and Managing Trustee. Freedom from Cancer Research and Relief Foundation. Public trust
    TEL: 919840758567, 7811958567

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