Sunday, February 26, 2017

Kamal strongly opposes hydro carbon project

Kamal Haasan has expressed his opposition to the proposed hydro carbon project of the central government in Pudukottai district.

The actor-filmmaker, who is lately vociferous in various issues, said on Twitter: "Any corporate success story that begins with destroying nature & the livelihood of the poor, in retrospection will be a bad plan.TN beware."

"Nature can supply for all our need but not for even one man's greed. -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi," he added.

He said further: "Students of TN. Way to go. Maintain peace. You speak 4 farmers & people of TN. See how elders are with you treating you as equals. Bravo."

"Bravo Hounarble.CM of Pondicheri for your clear stand on Hydrocarbaon project. My salute," he concluded.

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