Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Rajini back in Chennai, to meet fans

After completing the first schedule shooting of Kaala in Mumbai, Superstar Rajinikanth is expected to be back in Chennai today.

"He will take rest for a few days. After that, he will meet fans from some more districts before commencing the second schedule shoot," sources said.

Rajini had already met fans from various districts for five days, amid strong speculations that he would enter politics.

Social media is buzzing with reports that Mammootty has been signed on to play B.R. Ambedkar-like role in the film. Also, it is said that if all goes well, the film’s producer Dhanush will be playing the younger version of Rajini.

Reacting to the reports, a source from the film's unit was quoted as saying, "I'm not at liberty to speak. It's best if the makers react to such things." Directed by Pa Ranjith, the film has music by Santhosh Narayanan.

Ranjith is a big admirer of BR Ambedkar (Beemrao Ramji) and hence kept his Twitter handle as Beemji. Now he has also sketched a character named Beemji in Kaala.

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