Wednesday, June 7, 2017

As schools reopen, more rains predicted

Schools across Tamil Nadu reopened on Wednesday, after the extended summer break announced by the State government came to an end.

On the first day, students were accorded warm welcome at schools in a traditional manner and were provided books, text books, uniforms etc.

Adding more to the pleasantness is the chill weather, as the soaring temperature has come down due to rains.

Chennai is likely to get some breather in form of pre-Monsoon rain and thundershowers for the next two to three days. In fact, the state capital and nearby area are already witnessing light rainfall and thundershower since last two days.

In Chennai, the day began with a surprisingly low temperature of around 28 degrees Celsius. It rose to a maximum of 34 degrees Celsius in the afternoon. Before it rained on Tuesday, the city recorded a maximum of around 40 degree Celsius on Tuesday.

Chennai might not get heavy rain, but the sky would be partly cloudy and there would be few spells of showers in the couple of days, said Area Cyclone Warning Centre director S Balachandran.

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