Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Who's behind video showing kids stabbing Kamal?

A video was shared on Twitter where a small boy was seen stabbing a poster of Kamal Haasan tied to a pole. The child was wearing a dhoti and had applied 'vibhuti' (holy ash) in an attempt to show identify as a Hindu.

A man's voice is also heard from the background where he encourages the kid to stab the poster stating that Kamal Haasan is anti-Hindu.

Kamal Haasan expressed his ire at the video and tweeted, 'Nature will kill me one day. Try Kill me. We will win.'

In another tweet, he mentioned Hindu extremism has resulted in a sowing the seed of anger in a young mind and given the child a knife.

Observers say, "A celebrity like kamal Haasan should have checked the credentials of the video before making a 'communal' comment. No one know the source of the clip and it was simply shared in social media. An actor before making statements attributing it to 'Hindu terror' should have acted with responsibility and checked its credentials."

"Such things are quite normal in social media. There are groups and individuals who indulge in foul play by spreading such clips. It is responsibility of the celebrities concerned to check the credentials," they add.

The video comprises of two kids in traditional attire, one stabbing the poster while the other accompanies him. Looks like the kid is provoked by some adult who makes a noisy outcry in the video saying "not let go" and "stab" him (Kamal Haasan).

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