Friday, November 17, 2017

Santhosh Narayanan says he was insulted at Sydney report

Music director Santhosh Narayanan has accused the Sydney Airport authorities of racial profiling and alleged that a rude officer insulted him.

“I was “randomly” picked up for the 8th time in a row at the Sydney airport for a chemical substance test and a rude officer insulted my intelligence. Racial profiling needs to stop. @SydneyAirport,” he tweeted.

The official Twitter handle of Sydney Airport, responded to him explaining the method of selecting the passengers from the airport for security screenings by the standards set by the Australian government.

“Hi Santhosh, thanks for reaching out to us, our aim is to provide all passengers with a positive experience. Screening standards are set by the Government," it said.

It said further: "Screening officers are required to select people on a random and continuous basis for screening with the explosive trace detection (ETD) method."

"This means that as soon as the last person is cleared, the screening officer selects the next person going through security. Under this arrangement, persons passing through the screening point have an equal probability of being selected. We hope this explains the method of screening. Sydney Airport," it added.

Even going by the methods followed by the Sydney Airport, picking Santhosh Narayanan for security checks eight times in a row seems an unlikely series of unfortunate event.

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