Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Producer slams Simbu, Vadivelu

Producer KE Gnanavelraja of Studio Green, who is the General Secretary of Tamil Film Producers Council, has blamed two actors for bringing loss to producers.

Speaking at the audio launch of Vijay Antony's Annadurai, he said, "A producer recently suffered 18cr loss, as the film's lead actor only attended twenty nine days and he worked only up to five hours."

He added: "When the film's release was doubtful, that 'star' didn't even have the courtesy to come down and to talk about the issue with the members of TFPC. He is the most unprofessional actor in Indian cinema."

These words, it is said, were aimed at Simbu and the film in question was AAA.

Gnanavel also said that a crowd favorite comedian also caused trouble to the producer of his upcoming film.

Reports have it that he was talking about Vadivelu and the movie in question is Imsai Arasan 24 Aam Pulikeci.

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