The week long stand off between Tamil film industry and the government over entertainment tax ended on Friday with the State cutting it to eight from ten per cent and regulating prices of tickets to cinema halls
Stating that the Tamil Nadu Producers Council would continue to reiterate that such a high entertainment tax would make the industry unviable, actor Vishal, president of the Council said that they would continue to lobby for the industry’s benefit.
"For non-Tamil movies, we will continue to negotiate with the government. It is an issue that needs to be solved," he said.
The standoff saw several new Tamil flicks being held up as film producers body announced last week that new movies would not be screened in view of the tax.
Vishal hoped that the State government’s decision to fix and regulate the ticket prices after a decade would put to end the theatre owners charging exorbitant rates for tickets on the first two days of a big hero film’s release.
“We have strongly communicated to the theatre owners association and the distributors to follow the government-mandated prices now that the ticket prices have been regulated. While the producers’ council will monitor from our side, we also encourage the audience to complain to the local authorities if they find any theatre overcharging for tickets. Even they should be vigilant,” he said.
Vishal said, "Film fraternity will work on reducing internet booking charges on tickets in theatres." Vishal also confirmed that Mersal will release on Diwali just as planned by the makers.
He also urged theatres to sell canteen products for MRP and also not to collect parking charges.
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