Tuesday, October 24, 2017

National anthem: Kamal compares Singapore with India

With the Supreme Court saying that people do not need to stand up when the national anthem is played in cinema halls to prove their patriotism, Kamal Haasan has come out with his stand on the issue.

"Singapore plays it's national anthem every midnight.Likewise do so on DD. Do not force or test my patriotism at various random places," he tweeted.

He added: "The reason Singapore crops up in arguments is because it is a benovelent dictatorship according to some critics. Do we we want that. No pls."

Also, actor Arvind Swami said, "I will always stand up for our Natl Anthem & sing along,which I do with great pride.Never understood why it ws mandatory n cinema halls only."

He added: "Why not everyday in all govt offices, courts, before assembly and parliament sessions?"

Meanwhile, if the industry grapevine is anything to go by, Kamal Haasan will preside over the audio launch of superstar Rajinikanth’s 2.0, slated to take place this Friday in Dubai, as its chief guest.

The Supreme Court on Monday conceded that its order to play the national anthem before every movie in cinema halls and for the audience to stand up and show their respect had been misused to call people "anti-national" and left it to the government to frame rules in this regard.

The court wondered why citizens had to prove their patriotism this way and asked the Central government to bring in rules to this effect if it wanted.

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