Thursday, October 26, 2017

Vigilance Awareness Week to be observed from 30th October to 4th November, 2017 with theme “My Vision-Corruption Free India”

Vice-President Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu to be the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Function

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has decided that this year the Vigilance Awareness Week would be observed from 30th October to 4th November, 2017. The theme of the week would be “My Vision-Corruption Free India”. The Vice President of India Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu will be the Chief Guest at the Inaugural Function to be held on 30th October 2017.

The observance of the Vigilance Awareness Week would commence with the Integrity Pledge by public servants in the Ministries/Departments/Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs)/Public Sector Banks (PSBs) and all other Organisations on 30th October, 2017 at 11.00 a.m.

While addressing a press conference here today, the Central Vigilance Commissioner, Shri K.V. Chowdary said that the purpose of observing Vigilance Awareness Week is to educate the public at large about the corruption related practices and also educating them how to report about it. He said that it acts like a mass movement of involving people in saying no to corruption. Shri Chowdary said that to give recognition to the reforms and good work done by organization in the field of punitive, preventive and participative vigilance, the Vigilance Excellence Awards have been instituted in two categories from this year onwards. He also said that the Commission is developing an Integrity Index based on bench marking of internal processes and controls within an organization as well as management of relationships and expectations of external stake holders. He further said that initially Integrity Index will be developed for 25 organisations including Government organisations and PSUs. This Integrity Index will be developed with technical support form IIM, Ahmedabad, he added. He also informed that the CVC is developing an e-learning module for the benefit of vigilance officers. He said that CVC organizes other events also throughout the year such as Lecture series by eminent speakers on various topics. He added that CVC also provides internship training to the students at the Commission during their summer vacations, which provides them exposure about the functioning of Commission.

The Vigilance Commissioners Dr. T M Basin and Shri Rajiv, Secretary, CVC Smt Nilam Sawhney and senior officers were also present on the occasion.

Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week every year is part of a multi-pronged approach of the Commission wherein one of the strategies is to encourage all stakeholders to collectively participate in the prevention of and the fight against corruption and to raise public awareness regarding the existence, causes and gravity of and the threat posed by corruption. The Commission as part of a multi-pronged strategy to tackle corruption has been stressing on punitive, preventive and participative vigilance measures. Organisations have been advised to conduct activities relevant to the theme both within their organization, and outreach activities for public/citizens as given below:

Activities to be conducted within the organisation include taking of Integrity Pledge by all employees, distribution of pamphlets/handouts on preventive vigilance activities, whistle blower mechanism and other anti-corruption measures, conducting workshops and sensitization programmes for employees and other stake holders on policies/procedures of the organization and preventive vigilance measures. Other activities include publication of journals/newsletters on vigilance issues, systemic improvements and good practices adopted for wider dissemination and awareness, conducting various competitions such as debates, quiz etc. for the employees and their families on issues relating to anti-corruption and the use of organizational websites for dissemination of employees/customer oriented information.

Outreach activities for public/citizens include the display of hoardings, banners, posters and distribution of handouts etc. at prominent locations/places in offices/field units and also at places with public interface, organization of grievance redressal camps for citizens/customers by organisations having customer oriented services/activities and the taking of the online “Integrity Pledge” developed by the Commission.

Seminars, discussions and other outreach events have been planned involving the private sector, professional associations, trade unions and associations for wide participation of all sections of civil society

“Awareness Gram Sabhas” are being organized for dissemination of awareness in Gram Panchayats (in rural and semi-urban areas) to sensitise citizens on the ill-effects of corruption. Last year, 70,000 such Gram Sabhas were organized during the Vigilance Awareness Week.

Laying stress for creation of awareness on the ill-effects of corruption amongst school and college students, special efforts are being made by each field unit/branch of every CPSE/ to reach out to students in schools and colleges. In this regard, various activities such as lectures, panel discussions, debates, quiz, essay writing, slogans/elocution/cartoon/poster competitions on moral values, ethics, good governance practices etc. are being organized across the country. In 2016, such activities were organized in schools and colleges in more than 500 towns across the country

A new feature is the establishment of ‘Integrity Clubs’ in schools and colleges as children are the future assets of the country and it is important to cultivate moral values in them.

Organizations will also conduct activities for mass awareness such as marathons, walks, bicycle rallies, human chains, street theatre, etc. in various cities and towns across the country.

Many organizations will extensively use bulk SMS/E-mail, Whatsapp, electronic, print and social media for spreading awareness.

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