Monday, October 30, 2017

8th National Painting Competition on Water Conservation and Pollution for school children

Central Ground Water Board under Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation will be organizing 8th National Painting Competition on Water Conservation and Pollution for school students of 6th, 7th and 8th Standards. Theme for this year’s painting competition is, “Use water with more care-save our future generation”.

School Principals have been requested to organise Painting competition of two hrs. duration for 6th, 7th and 8th standards students in their schools on above mentioned theme preferably on A-4 size paper. The school principals would select three best paintings and send to the nodal officer so as to reach him along with the list of total number of participants not later than December 15, 2017. The back of the painting should have the following information: Name of the Student, Father’s/Mother’s Name, Class, School name and Postal Address, Telephone/Mobile Number, Aadhaar No., E-Mail-ID of Students, Address of School and Signature of Principal.

Students who have won first, second and third prize in earlier competitions are not eligible for participation. The consolation prize winners may participate but they would be considered for 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize only at the State level Painting competition. Best 50 painting will be selected out of paintings received from School level competition by a board of Jury of State level Painting Completion to be held in January, 2018. Each participant of State level Painting completion would be paid an incidental charge of Rs.1000/- in cash. Participants, alongwith two parents/ guardians would also be paid to and fro fare by ordinary bus/sleeper class rail fare from the place of residence to competition venue.

National Level Painting Competition

1st, 2nd 3rd prize winner of the State level Painting competition would be invited to Delhi for participation in the National level Painting competition to be held in February/March, 2018.

State/National Level prize winners would be awarded cash prize on the same day. State /UT level- First prize Rs. 5,000/-. Second Prize Rs. 3000/-. Third Prize Rs. 2000/- and 10 Consolation prizes of Rs. 1000/- each.

National Level- First Prize Rs. 50,000/-, Second Prize Rs. 25,000/- (4 Nos.). Third Prize Rs. 10,000/- (5 Nos.) and 83 Consolation Prizes of Rs. 5,000/- each.

It is mandatory for all participants to have Aadhaar / Aadhaar enrolment.

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