Thursday, October 26, 2017

Govt informs court all illegal banners will be removed

The Tamil Nadu government on Thursday submitted in the Madras High Court that all illegal banners erected in connection with the birth centenary celebrations of ruling AIADMK founder late M G Ramachandran at Tiruchirappalli will be removed forthwith.

A division bench directed authorities to immediately remove all unauthorised hoardings, banners and cut-outs in the city by Thursday evening itself.

As for advocate-general Vijay Narayan's submission that about 220 of them were duly permitted, the division bench of Justice MM Sundresh and Justice M Sundar said they, too, should be removed by Friday.

A compliance report in this regard should be filed in court by October 30, the judges said.

The Madras High Court on Tuesday banned the use of “photographs or pictures” of living persons on “banners, flex boards, signboards” across the state.

In its direction to the state chief secretary, the court said: “If at all any permission is given by the authority concerned for erecting banners, flex boards, signboards, etc, the authority concerned shall ensure that the photographs or pictures of such persons who are alive shall not be depicted by way of those banners, flex boards, signboards etc.”

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