Education Department officials on Monday began a probe against a private school at Palakarai in Tiruchirappalli for allegedly punishing and insulting children who had celebrated Diwali and also for applying Mehendi on their hands.
The Palakkarai police station under whose jurisdiction the school falls has issued a CSR (Community Service Register) upon receiving the complaint from S. Sethuraman against the school headmaster and physical education teacher.
Sethuraman alleged that his son and a few other Hindu students were punished for having burst crackers for Deepavali, and that the action has caused them mental agony.
He alleged that a girl was beaten for applying mehandi on her hand. The authorities had also reportedly asked children who burst crackers to seek pardon of God, he said.
"When we heard about this, some of the parents and I got very upset and went to the school for answers. But the headmistress there claimed that she was only following orders from the Chief Education Officer and refused to apologise for what happened," he alleges.
Angered by the school's response some parents then went to the Palakkarai police station under whose jurisdiction the school falls to lodge a complaint. The station has issued a Community Service Register to the complainants.
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