Monday, May 8, 2017

Rajnath Singh addresses the Review Meeting of Left Wing Extremism affected States on Development Issues

The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh presided over the Review Meeting of Left Wing Extremism affected States here today. Following is the text of his Opening Remarks made during the Afternoon Session this afternoon on Development Issues:

“In this session after lunch I would like to welcome all the Union Ministers who have joined us now. In the first session of this important meeting we have discussed in detail the Security related issues of the LWE areas. We have deliberated extensively on a new doctrine, ‘SAMADHAN’ which has the following 08 pillars-

1.S- Smart Leadership
2.A- Aggressive Strategy
3.M- Motivation and Training
4.A- Actionable Intelligence
5.D- Dashboard Based KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
6.H- Harnessing Technology
7.A- Action plan for each Theatre
8.N- No access to Financing

You will all agree that in addition to the various facets of security, the socio-economic empowerment of the people at large is essential so that the public support stays with the Government. It is necessary for States to work on a coordinated strategy of security and development so that the confidence of the public in the democratic process is maintained in the LWE affected areas.

Our Government has taken various steps with this objective, so that the confidence in our Government has grown in the minds of the tribals and others living in the LWE affected areas. They are coming forward to avail the benefits of Government Schemes.

In the year 2014, the Government of India had sanctioned a plan to establish 2199 mobile towers in the 10 LWE affected States at a total cost of Rs. 3567.58 crores. Out of these 2187 mobile towers have been made operational, which is a good achievement.

The Road Requirement Plan is being implemented by the Government of India to improve connectivity in 34 LWE affected districts of 08 States. 4290 Kms of the sanctioned 5422 Kms of the road has been completed.

The ‘Road Connectivity Project for LWE Affected Areas Scheme’ has recently been approved by the Government of India. Under this 5412 Kms of roads and 126 bridges are envisaged to be constructed in 44 districts of 09 affected States, at a cost of Rs. 11725 crores.

In the area of financial inclusion special efforts in the last two financial years, specially in the 35 worst affected districts have lead to the opening of 358 Bank branches and 752 ATMs. 1789 new Post Offices have also been sanctioned for these districts.

Under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana youth of LWE districts will receive skill training for self employment. At present 32 of the 35 most affected LWE districts have been covered in the scheme.

Skill Development Scheme is being implemented for the purpose of establishing Skill Centers for training the youth of LWE affected districts of 09 States. The scope of this scheme has been expanded from 34 to 47 LWE affected districts. 47 ITIs and 64 Skill Development Centers were also to be opened under the scheme. Out of these, construction work have been completed in 12 ITIs and 34 Skill Development Centers.

The Deendayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) is being implemented for the electrification of un-electrified villages in the entire country. For the LWE districts special focus is being given under this scheme. The electrification of 5778 villages has been completed and a target of December, 2017 has been set, for the electrification of the remaining 1461 villages.

In the field of education special efforts are being made. Under this, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNV) are being opened in 05 districts of the 35 worst affected LWE districts. These districts did not have any JNV earlier. In addition, new Kendriya Vidyalayas are planned to be opened in 11 most affected LWE districts. Proposals from 08 districts have already been approved, and work commenced.

Under the National Secondary Education Campaign, construction of 348 hostels have been approved in 354 educationally backward blocks of 35 most affected districts. Construction of 100 hostels has been completed and work on 82 hostels is in progress. 94 hostels have actually started functioning so far.

To improve Rail Connectivity a number of projects have been sanctioned. The progress of these projects is very good. However, land acquisition is a hurdle because of which many projects have not taken off. I would like that problems and issues regarding land acquisition should be resolved by the States at the earliest so that the projects may take off soon and get completed.

I would like to suggest to the State Governments, that they should complement and top-up the programmes of the Central Government through their own schemes. This would ensure the holistic development of the LWE affected areas and fulfil the dream of Hon’ble Prime Minister of “SABKA SAATH - SABKA VIKAS.”

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