Thursday, May 25, 2017

Private players deny minister's comments, say their milk is safe

Hatsun Agro Product Ltd, India’s largest private sector dairy company, has clarified that its products including Arokya, branded liquid milk, meet the highest quality standards. Other milk dealers too have maintained the same.

Chairman and managing director of Hatsun, R G Chandramogan, said, "We procure milk directly from farmers in Tamilnadu and have heavily invested in procurement infrastructure over the years to effectively handle significant volume of milk."

"Our infrastructure and inputs ensure better quality milk with high Methylene Blue Reduction Test (MBRT) time and lower standard plate count (micro organisms). This indicates lower microbial load and ensures freshness. Our milk undergoes 42 tests from procurement to delivery stage to ensure highest standards are met for our consumers. Milk is regularly sampled and tested by the government FSSAI authority on a regular basis in Tamilnadu and other states."

It is to be noted that Tamil Nadu dairy development minister K T Rajenthra Bhalaji on Wednesday courted controversy by alleging that preservatives in milk and milk products of private producers were the cause for cancer in many children.

The allegation made by the minister on a Tamil television channel evoked strong protests.

Bhalaji said the government would not remain a mute spectator in the matter. “The judges are also watching the news. Samples of private milk have been sent to Pune for scientific examination,” he said.

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