The Tamil Nadu government has abolished the ranking system for SSLC and Plus two starting this year. This means that the ranking system would not apply for the Class 12 public exam results announced today.
The government order passed to the effect reasoned that ranking was introduced to promote healthy competition, but it had resulted in too much focus on top scorers. Contrary to expectations, it had led to an unhealthy competition among schools.
The best students or the toppers will be given certificates only, the Tamil Nadu government has decided. TN has adopted the system that is in place for the CBSE students.
Further the government is also planning on holding public examination for Plus 1 too, according to reports.
School Education Secretary T.Udhayachandran said while academics and exams were important, it was unfair to judge students through the prism of marks.
The paper evaluation began on April 6 and was completed on April 22. For years now, activists and experts have been asking for scrapping the system of ranks, it is to be noted.
The government order passed to the effect reasoned that ranking was introduced to promote healthy competition, but it had resulted in too much focus on top scorers. Contrary to expectations, it had led to an unhealthy competition among schools.
The best students or the toppers will be given certificates only, the Tamil Nadu government has decided. TN has adopted the system that is in place for the CBSE students.
Further the government is also planning on holding public examination for Plus 1 too, according to reports.
School Education Secretary T.Udhayachandran said while academics and exams were important, it was unfair to judge students through the prism of marks.
The paper evaluation began on April 6 and was completed on April 22. For years now, activists and experts have been asking for scrapping the system of ranks, it is to be noted.
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