Monday, March 19, 2018

Sasikala's hubby Natarajan passes away

Expelled AIADMK leader VK Sasikala’s husband Natarajan Maruthappa passed away at the age of 76 at a hospital in Chennai Tuesday morning.

The Gleneagles Global Health City said in a statement: "It is with profound grief and sorrow that we announce the sad demise of Mr. Natarajan Maruthappa at 1.35 am today (20.3.2018)."

It added: "Every possible clinical attempt was made to sustain his revival. However, despite our best efforts he was unable to recover."

He was hospitalised Saturday night following chest pain. Last year, he underwent a liver and kidney transplant in the same hospital.

According to sources, his body will be taken to their native in Thanjavur. Sasikala is expected to come out on parole today to pay tributes to her husband.

Sasikala, is currently lodged in central prison in Bengaluru serving a four-year imprisonment in a disproportionate assets case.

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