Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Chinmayi joins Rakul Preet Singh in slamming TV anchor

Singer Chinmayi has joined the list of film personalities who have come down heavily on a television journalist who had made demeaning comments against actresses.

"A TV news anchor actually uses a cuss word in Telugu and the channel airs it referring to women in the film industry as prostitutes. 2018. And people ask why do we need feminism and ask for equal rights," she tweeted.

Earlier, Rakul Preet Singh posted: "This guy should be ashamed of calling himself a journalist! Abusive language n categorising actresses? Reallyyy? Is this what we sell in the name of debates ?? This is heights of stooping so low!! #GetALif."

Lavanya Tripathi posted, “Its shameful And disgusting, and not talking abt just this video, been seeing such videos quite a lot these days.. some ppl are trying to find different ways of disrespecting women, this way or the other.."

Lakshmi Manchu wrote: "NO ONE can use such words generalising & labelling women, no matter what. Targeting actresses, will be least tolerated by our fraternity. I condemn this & won’t let this go easy. #GetALife than gaining publicity by speaking derogatorily towards the women of the industry.

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