Sunday, March 18, 2018

Minister Vijayabaskar calls female reporter 'beautiful', regrets later

Tamil Nadu health minister C Vijayabaskar on Friday found himself in a fresh controversy after the footage of his interaction with a woman reporter of a Tamil news channel was aired in the media.

On Thursday, Vijayabaskar had praised the reporter’s spectacles on camera and called her “beautiful” multiple times in response to a question asking details about a meeting of his party’s legislators.

“Your specs are nice,” the minister was heard telling the journalists in a video clip. When the reporter repeated her question, he said again: “Your specs look good!”

The minister was questioned by the woman reporter about what had happened at a late-night MLA meeting of MLAs.

When she said what is the meaning 'if you respond this way?' He stopped and turned around. He then said :'You are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful.'

Meanwhile on Friday, Vijayabaskar expressed regret and said, “To me, all journalists are my brothers and sisters,” he said. “There was no intention behind making such a comment.”

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