Monday, August 21, 2017

What's Kamal trying to say?

On Monday afternoon, even as O Panneerselvam was proceeding to AIADMK headquarters for the merger of the two teams, Kamal Haasan posted a tweet, raising many eyebrows in political circles.

Kamal tweeted in Tamil: "Gandhi cap, saffron cap, Kashmiri cap and now buffoon's cap. Have you had enough or do you want more? Tamils, please answer."

Political observers said he is taking objections to the coming together of the two AIADMK factions, saying it amounts to fooling the people.

Foisting a 'kulla' on one's head in Tamil refers to somebody virtually being taken for a ride by another person.

The actor at no point made any explicit reference to anybody, but the timing of his Tweet coincided with the merger of the two factions of AIADMK.

It is to be noted that Kamal has lately emerged an acerbic critic of the EPS government and has been posting various tweets against it.

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