Sunday, August 27, 2017

Mani Ratnam's son robbed in Italy, Suhasini seeks help

Top director Mani Ratnam's son Nandan was robbed in Italy, his mother Suhasini said on Sunday.

"SOS anyone near Venice airport? Can you help our son who was robbed in Belunno? He needs to reach airport. Please help," Suhasini tweeted.

Later continuing the thread she described the location of her son and requested people to not spam call on her son's mobile number.

She tweeted saying "people from India please don't call and harass some one who already is in distress."

Eventually, help came Nandan's way. A relieved Suhasini tweeted: "Help is on the way for our son. So those from Twitter, who offered help, thank you so much. He's fine now."

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