Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Security beefed up at Marina after protest rumours

Following reports in social media about students and youth planning to gather on the Marina beach again, the city police deployed more personnel on Kamarajar Road from Tuesday morning.

The messages in various social media platforms asked the people to assemble in the Marina beach to show their protest against the union government’s sanctioning of hydrocarbon extraction projects in Tamil Nadu.

The messages called for a protest similar to that of the jallikattu agitations in January to force the Centre stop the hydrocarbon projects in the Cauvery delta region.

“Any assembly, procession, demonstration and fast will not be permitted on the Marina from Napier Bridge to Light House," police said.

They added: "If anybody wants to conduct any peaceful agitation or protest, permission will be granted only in the list of permitted places.”

Cops also enquired those moving around suspiciously in the beach. A group of fishermen who reached the shores after fishing were instructed to go to their hamlets.

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