Thursday, May 3, 2018

Release Cauvery water to TN immediately: SC tells Karnataka

The Supreme Court today asked Karnataka to release at least 2 tmc of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu and warned it of serious consequences if it fails to release the water.

It asked the Centre to file an affidavit on May 8, just 4 days before the Karnataka elections, on the steps it has taken to set up the Cauvery Management Board.

The Tamil Nadu government had gone to court alleging undue delay on the part of the Centre in setting up the CMB. The Supreme Court had in February ordered the Centre to set up the body, and had given it six weeks to do so.

Attorney general K K Venugopal, appearing for the Centre, sought 10 days for the formation of the CWMB and asked the court to wait till the Karnataka elections get over. He informed the the court that the scheme has to be approved by the Cabinet which could not meet because of non-availability of Prime Minister Modi, who after coming from another foreign trip has gone straight to Karnataka for campaigning for the State elections there.

Chief Justice of India, Dipak Misra had reportedly said, 'We are not bothered about the polls. The scheme should have been framed by now.  States have no role in this. You are supposed to frame the scheme.' The three judge bench headed by the Chief Justice also asked the Centre to file an affidavit by 8 May (the day of next hearing) about steps taken so far for setting up of the CWMB.

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