Sunday, December 25, 2016

Arya out of Vishal movie

Good friends Arya and Vishal, who shared the screen space in Bala's Avan Ivan, were set to come together for a new film. But that is not going to happen it seems.

Sources said that Arya thinks that it's not the right time for him to portray the role of an antagonist on-screen now. That is why he has decided to opt out of it.

The proposed movie was titled Irumbu Thirai and it was set to have Vishal as the hero and Arya as a deadly villain.

With his movies bombing in the box-office back to back, it seems Arya is no mood to play the villain. He is eagerly waiting the release of his much talked about Kadamban directed by Raghavan.

Meanwhile, Arya’s recent tweet on Tamil Nadu’s traditional sport Jallikattu has landed him on a fresh controversy that netizens have been publishing memes degrading the actor.

Replying to a question of his fan on Twitter, Arya asked ‘What is Jallikattu. Following this, fans slammed him. Later, Arya tweeted: "Thx u so much 4 askin fr clarification politely. I do support #jallikattu it's sad that they misinterpreted my tweet completely no worries."

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