Thursday, January 19, 2017

PETA slams Suriya, says actor wants to gain publicity

PETA has come down heavily on Suriya, while reacting to his statement in the Jallikattu issue.

In a statement, Nikunj Sharma, Government Affairs Liaison with PETA India, said, "It's no coincidence that Suriya decided to speak only when his film S3 is about to release."

"During illegal jallikattu events recently held, both bulls and humans have lost their lives. To use a cruel spectacle that routinely causes injuries and death, and which has been condemned as illegal by the highest court in our country for movie publicity is in extremely poor taste."

In his statement, Suriya said it is paradoxical to see those aiding extinction of native breeds talk about cruelty to animals in the bull-taming sport.

He said such voluntary protests will always be genuine and charged People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) with carrying out a campaign of lies that Jallikattu is inimical to bulls.

"The group called PETA which won in the court of law by carrying out a campaign of lies that Jallikattu was inimical to bulls has lost in the people's court."

Protests by young volunteers is reflective of the common mood of the people of Tamil Nadu. These protests will bear fruit and Jallikattu will happen soon in Tamil Nadu, he said.

He said the people of the state should resist any move that would endanger our heritage and identity.

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