Tuesday, January 24, 2017

RJ Balaji thanks students for protests

RJ Balaji, who played an active role in students protests for Jallikattu, has thanked them.

"I was not alive when 1940s agitation that brought the Tamilians together but today I’m alive to see the same spirit from you, students," he said.

"I am fortunate to have shared your will, strength and emotion," he said, adding: "Thanks for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this glorious movement."

"There is no honour bigger than being a messenger, who wanted to mobilize the spirit. Salute each one of you for making it happen through your dignity and unity”, added Balaji.

Earlier, as violence took place on Monday, Balaji requested the protesters to go home. He said the government promulgating an ordinance in itself was success to the peaceful protests conducted over the last week.

He said in a video statement: "Instead of celebrating the first success (of making the Government to promulgate an ordinance), why are you venturing into violent protests?"

He added: The protests which were held peacefully over the last week should not end like the way it is turning out now.

Balaji said further: "I appeal to the protesting students and public to go home. Protests are over. Please go home."

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