Sunday, January 29, 2017

Burglary attempt at gun point thwarted

In a daring incident, a three-member armed gang allegedly attempted to rob a pawn-broker at gunpoint in his house at Jani Jahn Khan Road in Ice House on Sunday. However, the owner and neighbours managed to nab one of the suspects.

The accused was identified as Ravikant Singh. He and his accomplices from Bihar and were targeting pawn brokers, sources said.

A senior police officer said Munilal was a pawn broker and his shop was in the ground floor of his house on Jani Jhan Khan Street near Ice House.

The team of three burglars entered the shop when Munnalal had gone inside to have breakfast at around 10 a.m.

While two of them were trying to steal the jewels from the shop, one of them pointed a gun at the housemaid. Munilal and his family started screaming when they saw this, following which public entered their house to find the three armed robbers.

By then, the two men dropped the knives in the room and fled the scene. In minutes, the locals came to their rescue and handed over Ravi to the Ice House police station.

Preliminary investigation revealed that the three persons were natives of Bihar and had taken a room in Royapettah to rob rich persons in the locality based on inputs from their contacts in the city.

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