Friday, July 28, 2017

Will Nalini get 6 months leave for daughter's wedding?

Nalini Sriharan, a lifer in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, has moved the Madras High Court seeking 'ordinary leave' for six months to make arrangements for her daughter's marriage.

Nalini, who is a life convict in the assassination case of former prime minister and has been lodged in the Special Prison for women in Vellore for over 26 years, said, "As a life convict I am entitled to be granted ordinary leave for one month once in two years."

"So far I have not availed of any such leave. Since I have to make certain arrangements for the marriage of my daughter, Harithra, who is currently living with her grandparents in London, I made a representation to the chief minister seeking six months parole on November 12, 2016," she said.

"Since I did not receive any response from the chief minister's office, I made representation to the inspector general of prisons on January 23," she added.

As the prison authorities also failed to respond to my request or grant me leave, I have been compelled to approach the high court seeking relief, she further said.

Nalini was initially awarded death sentence which was later commuted to life imprisonment by the state government.

Besides her, four others, including her husband Murugan (Sriharan), were sentenced to death and three others to life term by the Supreme Court.

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