Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Khushbu quits Twitter

Khushbu has announced that she would be taking a temporary break from popular social media site Twitter.

"Ok friends..hve decided 2 go off Twitter 4 sumtime..want 2 do start reading again..dis platform is like addiction..promise 3 cme back soon," she posted.

"Thank u very much 4 so much of love,respect n care..ir support has bn my biggest strength..hope u wl cont. 2 do so even if i m not hr," she further said.

The actress-politician said: "Wat I do,whr I m n all d happenings of my life wl surely cme 2 u as I hve alwz lived my life as an open book..just love me the same 4ever❤❤"

"Will miss all my friends hr..tke care n try 2 live life wid honesty as much as u can..hve a word of praise n encouragement n a smile 4ever❤❤," she added.

She concluded: "Bye friends..happy twèeting..use tjis platform to build this nation n not 2 divide..keep hate n vengeance out..spread love,joy n peace..🖐🖐🖐🖐"

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