Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ministers revolt against Sasikala family, merger with OPS on cards

In a move that would see Dinakaran anmd Saiskala clan being sidelined, ministers have decided to keep TTV Dhinakaran out of party's administration.

Emerging from a "consultative" meeting chaired by Chief Minister E K Palaniswami, Finance Minister D Jayakumar declared that the "unanimous" decision was taken in tune with the aspirations of the party cadres and people.

"A decision has been taken to fully keep away Dhinakaran and his family from the party and the government," he told reporters.

The decision was taken at the interest of keeping the party and the flock togteher, that too in the context of maintaining the legacy of Jayalalithaa, while keeping the contentious family rule at bay, he said.

Jayakumar further said a committee would replace the Sasikala family in running the party. "AIAMDK leaders have said that one family cannot run the party," he said.

He said talks will be held O Panneerselvam team to bring the two groups together.

“The 1.5 crore cadres of the AIADMK wish that Dinakaran and his family are kept away from the party affairs. So we have decided that Dinakaran and his family will not have any influence in matters of the party and government,” he said.

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