Monday, April 24, 2017

Bandh starts in TN, tight security across state

A dawn to dusk bandh called by DMK-led opposition parties has started this morning. This is in support of drought-hit farmers.

Meanwhile, the state government has asserted that normalcy will not be affected. Police said all steps have been taken including deployment of adequate personnel across the state to ensure normalcy.

A host of trade unions, farmer bodies and even the film fraternity pledged support to the shutdown.

State police said it has taken several steps, including deploying additional personnel across Tamil Nadu, to ensure law and order.

The strike, according to the DMK is aimed at pressing the Centre and state to immediately address the plight of farmers who are bearing the brunt of the worst drought the state has witnessed in 140 years.

Apart from the Congress, the CPI and the VCK, several workers' unions and bodies have pledged their support for the bandh.

The call of bandh has received backing from trade unions affiliated to the opposition parties, farmer bodies, the film fraternity, a lorry operators association as well as unions representing local vegetable markets, groceries, and auto-drivers.

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